Jail Ministry of Otsego County Meeting June 15,2020
The meeting was called to order via ZOOM/phone @ 6:40 p.m. and opened with prayer by Cyd Collischonn. Present were: Cyd Collischonn, Ameen Aswad, Kurt Funke, Carol DeClue, Dave Rutenber, Diane De Dominicis, John Clow, Lona Smith, Russell Anderson and Laurie Laymon.
We unanimously voted in Cyd Coloischonn to the JMOC Board of Directors. Welcome Cyd!
The Minutes from May 18, 2020 were approved in a motion made by John, seconded by Diane.
The Treasurer’s Report was given by Dave. The Franklin Account has $32,887.81 and the General Account has $ 12,068.94. As noted at the meeting, funds and donations are down compared to last year.
Chaplain’s Report: Kurt reported that as soon as Lt. O’Connor gives the okay for the Jail Ministry to resume at the Otsego County Jail, he will let us know. Kurt will be having team meetings for the volunteers to keep them updated and will also be having re-orientation meetings via ZOOM, that will be mandatory for re-entering the jail. He will be reviewing the Policies and Procedures, our Core Values and paperwork that needs to be completed.
Schoharie County Chaplain’s Report: Cyd reported that the prisoners will be returning to the Schoharie Jail on July 10th. The volunteers will be having a PREA Training and more volunteers are joining the Ministry.
Director’s Report: Ameen is waiting to hear back from Eric on the Fatherhood Initiative.
We also discussed the Inside Out Program and it was decided to wait until restrictions are lifted {due to COVID -19} before training for both programs to take place and for implementing them.
Aftercare Report: Lona related that occupancy at the Crossroads Inn is down. Their current needs are canned and boxed goods, household items. Lona will be the liaison with Noel from Crossroads and Diane will purchase needed items when requested. The Board approved up to $100.00 for Diane to purchase items. If additional funds are needed, approval from the Board is required.
Old Business: JMOC website -The Pay- Pal and Contact Page are working. Our newsletter will be placed on the website. On the form section, we need to add Schoharie County items.
Carol is updating the JMOC Databases with many entries being added and phone calls need to be made to update contact information.
Carol and Kurt will work on a statement to be put on our website regarding ‘All Lives Matter’.
Our Annual JMOC meeting will be re-scheduled after restrictions are lifted.
Regarding our Strategic Plan, Ameen will email everyone their task lists to work on.
New Business: Lona has officially resigned from the JMOC Board of Directors. We appreciate your years of service to the Board and Ministry!
Christ Church Grant- We are applying for a $1,500.00 grant from Christ Church. We have until July 31st,2020 to apply.
JMOC newsletter has been approved with a few additions. Lona’s tribute will also be added.
Supplies for Schoharie County jail Ministry – Cyd will check on Daily Breads and Bibles to see if they can be handed out to prisoners.
Motion by Cyd, seconded by Kurt to adjourn the meeting.
Next meeting will be 7/20, @6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Laurie Laymon